Colchester paedophile’s ‘boredom of looking after disabled son’ led him to child and pig porn

He was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court

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A paedophile’s addiction to child and animal abuse was the result of his ‘boredom for looking after his disabled son’, a court has heard.

Leslie Warren, 59, of Mumford Road, West Bergholt, Colchester, was found with hundreds of indecent images on a number of devices at his home.

In a case which has bizarrely taken more than three years to face the courts, Raj Joshi, prosecuting, explained that police were alerted to Warren on 21 October, 2014 when they executed a warrant at his address.

At his home, they found indecent images of children as young as six on his iPad, camera, USB stick, laptop and floppy discs, along with images that involved a person performing a sex act on a pig.

He was arrested and subsequently interviewed where he maintained that he was searching for ‘non-porn’ material including photos of mothers and daughters in clothing and lingerie.

He also claimed he had found the floppy discs as he was passing a skip and had reformatted them and wiped any images off, but since accepted responsibility and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity on March 17, 2018.

Warren, who cried in the dock at Chelmsford Crown Court on Monday (May 14), lives at home with his wife of 28 years and severely disabled 26-year-old son, who requires round-the-clock care.

The court heard how Warren’s “addictive personality” and boredom with his life had led him to the path of alcohol abuse and child pornography.

Kuleet Dobe, mitigating, said: “He does not sleep well and has had a sorry existence.

“He has devoted his life to his family and his son and has been a good man. He gave his employer, Waitrose, full disclosure and lost his job.

“When he was working he would come home and sleep with his son because he was at risk of seizures every day, even at night and could harm himself.

“He has had no intimacy with his wife in 22 years, and this is the cul-de-sac he went down.

“The boredom in his life led to his offending. This is not a case of him sharing or producing these images.

“The images are bad, but he has shown remorse and was ashamed of what he had done.

“Since the incident, there has been no further offending.”

Judge David Pugh, passing sentence, said: “These are not victimless crimes – it is because of people like you that these images are made.

“You pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity. I am not going to send you to prison.”

Warren was handed a two-year community order for possession of an extreme pornographic image and three offences of making indecent images of children.

He was also ordered to undertake 40 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days, 180 hours of unpaid work and to complete the Horizon Programme.
