Sick paedophile got celebratory tattoo on chest after raping child

Vile Leslie Iles was jailed for 11 years for raping the victim as a child, which nearly drove her to suicide.

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A rapist was jailed for a sickening attack on his child victim – before getting a commemorative tattoo across his chest.

Paedophile Leslie Iles, 61, was jailed for 11 years for raping the victim as a child, which nearly drove her to suicide.

The victim revealed how after the attacks in 2008 and 2009 she remained silent, because the sex beast threatened her.

The court heard Iles boasted of the sickening assaults by getting a celebratory inking on his chest.

In a statement, the courageous woman said she was forced to carry around “this awful secret in my head, which was always there.”

The victim decided to reveal the dark secret after an innocent game triggered her memories of the abuse she endured.

She added: “When it finally came out, I felt disgusted and I wasn’t able to sleep because my head was bursting with it.”

Iles, of Folkestone, Kent, was jailed for rape and sex assault at Canterbury Crown Court on Tuesday.

Prosecutor Paul Valder revealed the victim’s education suffered because of the sex assaults as she struggled to sleep because of her nightmares.

The victim then self-harmed, telling the judge, she hoped the physical pain of the wound “might take away the pain in my head, although I now see it as a mad thing to have done.

She added: “I wasn’t able to sleep because my head was bursting with it.”

Despite her fears, the victim gave evidence at the trial when Iles was convicted of rape and assault by penetration – before being jailed for 11 years on May 9.

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Iles’ actions against this young girl are utterly despicable.

“He probably thought he’d got away with his crimes but his victim has shown incredible bravery in coming forward and giving evidence so that justice can be served.

“Abuse ruins childhoods and its effects can last long into adulthood – we hope the victim in this case has received the support needed to help her move forward with her life.”

Detective Inspector Rebecca Philpott said: “I would like to thank the victim for being brave and coming forward with information that allows us to ensure people like Iles are sent to prison.

“These offences are simply unthinkable and Iles will now serve time in prison for what he did.

“I hope this reassures anyone suffering from an unreported sexual offence that justice can be done and that it’s never too late to come forward.”
